Sales & Client Service

Mr. D. F.


Manager (Interim CFO in China )




German, English, Turkish


  • A passionate and awarded marketing & sales strategist with 19 years of experience in both the corporate world and on agency sides of the business in Germany & Singapore.
  • A proven track record in the creation and implementation of sales channels and marketing campaigns.
  • Development of entire marketing & sales departments.
  • Experienced in formation & management of businesses in Singapore.
  • Strong ability to adapt to any industry and business model and create sales & marketing strategies, develop corporate identity & branding, implement digital strategies incl. SEO and manage the operation of companies.
  • Successful product launches and comprehensive market introductions of entire companies on the Singaporean market.
  • A degree in Insurance & Finance with 11 years of Marketing & Sales experience in an Asset Management / Investment Firm.


  • Strong leadership and extensive cooperation in the build-up of the Investment Firm.
  • Awarded in several areas for his Marketing work.
  • Up to 500% of sales increase and successful pitches of up to $500,000 per project in his previous role.

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