

chris schwarz


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Does that sound familiar to you? When companies have decided to hire an interim manager (temporary projectmanager), the negotiation focus is often on negotiating the daily rate andexpenses. But in all other cases the contract is “knitted with a hot needle”. So that you can take full benefit of interim management right from thestart, we have listed the most important points to avoid falseself-employment for you.
* No business card or business card clearly marked “external employee”
* E-mail address with “external” suffix
* No obligation to give instructions with regard to place, time,duration and type of activity
* No integration into a foreign company order
* Clearly mark as “external” in the telephone directory
* No name tag, but “project office”
* Carrying entrepreneurial risks and opportunities
* Performing other activities for other clients
* Status queries with social insurance benefit providers
* Exemption from liability by the interim management provider
* Define and describe the project (mandate): Start, duration, defined end
* Temporary employment as the penultimate option, fixed-term permanentemployment as the last option. Sounds like a lot of effort?

It doesn’t have to be that.We draw up your individual draft contract and can advise you from A to Z.This is our personal promise.Your profits will be sustainably improved by the expert knowledge and theprecise use of an “external”. Worldwide statistics have long since proventhis.We’re in the middle of a human resources corporate culture revolution! Whatyou’re reading here is merely the TIP of the iceberg!

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