Versatile Interim Manager - vast international and intercultural experience

Mr. P. B.


Manager (Interim CFO in China )




English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese Italian: Spoken only


  • 5 years of successful leadership as CEO of 3 “Distance Teams” in Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines (sales and service of technical and product-related products).
  • Charismatic leader with recognized skills in couchs and motivate employees at all levels and all training (Motto: Leadership with and by the staff).
  • Proven success in the analysis, design and implementation of restructuring and the reorientation of business models.
  • Proven successes in the continuous cost reduction and the optimization of organizational processes.
  • High assertiveness and yet team-oriented.


  • Versatile generalist with many years of international and intercultural experience in Latin America, South Africa, Asia and Europe.
  • Strong industry orientation:
    stone and earth, electronics, engineering.
  • Rapid ability to learn and high adaptability to changing working and living conditions.

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